

Docandu: The only Greek startup recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
22 September 2021

Docandu: The only Greek startup recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO)

The World Health Organization (WHO) listed Docandu within its recommended health apps. Docandu, as of today,[…]

Intimate Area Check-up
22 November 2020

Intimate Area Check-up

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are transmitted from person to person mainly through sexual contact.  They present[…]

Docandu & UoA: A new collaboration in Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
21 October 2020

Docandu & UoA: A new collaboration in Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

We are pleased to announce that docandu has recently started its collaboration with the Center for[…]

The main challenges in creating a successful digital wellness program, from a behavioural perspective
23 September 2020

The main challenges in creating a successful digital wellness program, from a behavioural perspective

Over recent years, institutional investors and large corporates, such as insurers, have started investing an increasing[…]

Docandu & Crowdcube: A new successful funding round
13 July 2020

Docandu & Crowdcube: A new successful funding round

After a long journey of calls with potential investors and due diligence checks by Crowdcube, we[…]

COVID19: Summer in Greece
21 June 2020

COVID19: Summer in Greece

The broader tourism sector is one of the key sectors of the Greek economy, accounting for[…]

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